Will Continue ‘New Era of Partnership’ With Municipalities Through Law Enforcement Grants

Calling for protection of the County’s tax rate cut and establishing a County program offering law enforcement grants to municipalities, John E. Lanza was elected unanimously as Director of the five member Hunterdon County Board of Commissioners, at the January 7th County re-organization meeting.
Lanza, of Raritan Township, had the oath of office administered at the Historic Courthouse in Flemington by former Assemblyman and Republican gubernatorial candidate Jack Ciattarelli.
Also at the Re-organization meeting, re-elected County Commissioners Jeff Kuhl of Raritan Township and Susan Soloway of Franklin Township were sworn-in to new three-year terms by State Senator Doug Steinhardt.
Commissioner Shaun C. Van Doren of Tewksbury was elected the Board’s Deputy Director and received the oath of office from County Clerk Mary Melfi.
Lanza, who first joined the Board in 2014 and will serve as the Board’s Director for a third time, recognized outgoing Director Jeff Kuhl’s leadership in bringing about the new era of partnership with the County’s municipalities.
Lanza pledged, “to continue that new era of partnership with our towns in 2025, by following the success of the County’s municipal infrastructure and municipal parks grant programs last year with a municipal grant program for local law enforcement’s efforts that protect our residents.”
Lanza said, “Today, more than ever, crime prevention, police community engagement, and ensuring the protection of our neighborhoods are significant priorities for our residents, our local governments, and police departments. Now is the time, relying on the County’s strong financial foundation, to provide assistance.”
Lanza added, “Throughout my service on this Board, I, along with all my colleagues, have successfully championed fiscally effective, efficient, and competent government,” and called for the 2025 County Budget to “at least protect the 2024 tax rate cut and continue to be taxpayer friendly in 2025.”
He praised “all Commissioners and county staff, past and present, for helping to achieve the recent triple A bond rating awarded to the County by Moody’s and for the independent auditor’s validation of our fiscal efforts by certifying the County’s financial practices and controls without fault for nine consecutive years.”
Lanza also announced, “the County will be breaking ground on the final phase of the construction of the Emergency Services Training Center upgrade, ensuring the highest level of training for our fire and rescue volunteers.
And the Board again thanks Congressman Tom Kean as well as U.S. Senator Cory Booker for their efforts in securing a $3 million federal grant to assist with the construction costs for the ESTC project.”
Lanza noted, “Over the course of 2025 the Board will be addressing open space and farmland preservation opportunities, significant Economic Development and Tourism plans, and moving forward on the improvement of the County Arboretum, among other challenges.”
Lanza concluded, “Our Board will continue to be dedicated to keeping Hunterdon, Hunterdon, the safest, healthiest, and best county, not only in New Jersey, but in the nation.”
