The Hunterdon County Board of Commissioners welcomed Hunterdon County Prosecutor Renée M. Robeson to the April 16th Board meeting, where the observance of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, was announced, and recognized with the illumination of the Hunterdon County Historic Courthouse in blue.
This year’s theme is “How Would You Help? Options, Services, and Hope for Crime Survivors” and victim-survivors will be commemorated during the week of April 21, 2024. The theme is a call to action to create safe environments for crime victims to share their stories.
During the presentation of the Proclamation, Prosecutor Robeson spoke to Commissioners about the importance of honoring crime victims. “National Crime Victims’ Rights Week is only 7 days, but the conversation about options, services, and hope for crime survivors can and should continue 365 days a year,” Robeson said.
Commissioner Director Jeff Kuhl offered remarks during his presentation of the proclamation on behalf of the Board of Commissioners: “On behalf of the entire Board, I am proud to present this proclamation to Prosecutor Renée Robeson, and her team in recognition of their commitment to assisting, supporting, and pursuing justice for victims of crime. Raising awareness about the rights of crime victims is not limited to just a single week, but is an ongoing commitment to create responsive support, advocate for change, and stand by those affected by crime.”
State and Local resources available to victims include the Hunterdon County Prosecutor’s Office of Victim Witness Advocacy, New Jersey Office of Victim Services, New Jersey Crime Victims’ Law Center, Hunterdon Helpline, SAFE in Hunterdon, Perform Care, VINE, 1in6, and the Address Confidentially Program.