Last night at the Hunterdon County Board of Commissioner's July 6th meeting, Commissioner Susan Soloway recognized via proclamation; Nicole Mikruk, Donal Devine, and Douglas Kuras for their excellence in the Community and in Academics.
"First tonight," began Director Soloway,
"I want to congratulate and recognize a very talented member of our Hunterdon County Polytech Program, Nicole Mikruk.
Nicole Mikruk was recently selected as a recipient of the New Jersey Association of Counties – Investors Foundation Scholarship. She has distinguished herself through her strong academic studies in the Biomedical Sciences Academy and her passion for the medical field. While attending the Biomedical Sciences Academy throughout the last four years she has also earned seventeen college credits through Rutgers School of Health Professions within Anatomy & Physiology and Medical Terminology.
Nicole Mikruk will be attending Rutgers University to pursue a degree in nursing in the fall."
Director Soloway concluded with;
"The Hunterdon County Board of County Commissioners extends its best wishes and congratulations to Nicole upon being selected as a scholarship recipient by the New Jersey Association of Counties; and we wish you so much success as you continue your studies"
"From Boy Scout of America Troop 62, we have 2 very deserving young men in the audience tonight that the board would like to take a moment and recognize for their recent Eagle Scout designations." Began Director Susan Soloway
"First, Donal Devine who’s Scout project at the Hunterdon County Arboretum and Echo Hill Park was the collimation of many hours of planning and dedication. Donal realized he could assist Hunterdon County Division of Parks and Recreation, by remediating a flood-prone trail between Echo Hill Park and the County Arboretum; where removed an uprooted stump and constructed a 30-foot Trail Turnpike.
Combined it is not unusual to have roughly 20,000 people using the grounds by permit and countless other patrons visit the pond and Arboretum gardens as casual users. Annually these parks are used for environmental study programs with the public. Echo hill is 90 Acres and the Arboretum is 135 Acres with the trail connections it is a great spot to enjoy nature and catch a small glimpse of what Hunterdon County Parks has to offer.
Donal’s Eagle Scout project helps connect the Arboretum to Echo Hill Parks and will be crucial to the implementation of the proposed Prescott Bridge that will provide ease of access for all users to both locations.
Next is Douglas Kuras, who’s project was conducted at the Hunterdon Outreach Connection (Califon, NJ) which is a charity that provides clothing and "living supplies" to those in need.
Douglas' Eagle Scout project provided a portable ramp for better access to their building for wheelchairs, construction of a drainage trench to help prevent flooding in the parking lot, and the construction of several shelves for food storage."
Commissioner Soloway, concluded her remarks;
"The Hunterdon County Board County Commissioners extends to both Donal and Douglas, individually, collectively, and with great pride, our sincere congratulations for achieving this highest of scouting awards which symbolizes the American Ideal of good citizenship; and
The Board extends our gratitude to Donal, Douglas and all other Scouts throughout Hunterdon County; for their commitment to the variety of service projects that contribute greatly to the betterment of Hunterdon County."